See below additional steps to help trouble shoot:
1.There are two switches near the belly (battery area), one is an OFF switch and the others are for volume ON(SOFT) and ON(LOUD) it could be that the Moji is on soft volume. We would also suggest trying to take off and re insert the batteries to try resting the Moji.
2.There is a reset button behind Moji's collar. Try pressing this button with a pin to reset Moji to see if that helps and try using a scan card. Place scan card and leave the card in front of the scanner longer ( at least 5 to 10 seconds) before lifting it away. You can also scan the center of the card, doesn’t have to be the paw pet on top.
3. Make sure you say "Moji" and pause to wait for the head to tilt, acknowledging that he is listening, before giving a command. If you give a command too quickly after saying "Moji", it may not work.
4. If Moji doesn't tilt his head when you say his name:
a) Check to make sure his name hasn't been changed.
Find the Name Change card that came with Moji's collar, and place it up to the collar to scan it (so the back of the card touches the scanner).
Listen for the name. If it is something other than "Moji", you will need to speak that name to get Moji to listen. To change the name back to Moji, keep scanning the Name Change card until it becomes Moji again.
b) Try playing with Moji in a quiet location. Background noise may interfere with Moji's ability to hear voices correctly.